Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Powerful Polished Look Is Your Best Asset In Business.

In business, a strong first impression is a key to success. Image Consultant Julie Maedar wants all business professionals to understand  a polished look can be a powerful asset.

She reminds clients that looking right does make a difference. "If you're not sure, then err on the side of too dressy, not too casual. No one will ever fault you for looking too good." When looking for what's appropriate in a workplace, Maedar suggests "Look for the most successful person that you want to be like."

She offers each gender one simple rule. For women, always consider the rule of "too's". If it seems too short, too trendy, too old or too revealing, chances are it usually is.

For men, keeping their attire current and sharp is very important. Men need to pay attend to a garment looks, fits and feels. A man needs to replace clothes that look tired -- no matter how dear a friend it has been.

Julie Maedar is a certified image consultant, with offices in Troy.   She is also co-author of the book Inspired Style, which is scheduled to be released this May 2010.  Her web site is

-- Dean La Douceur

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